Thursday, October 28, 2010

Should the US have entered the war?

I, for one, do not think that the US should have entered the war. However, the US was making decisions prior to actually declaring war that made it necessary for it to enter the war in order to protect its own interests. If the US had not made decisions to help the Allies, such as extending loans to the Allies and allowing the British blockade to stop American ships, it would have not had to enter the war. Entering the war was a decision that went against the policies of George Washington and James Monroe, whose foreign policy was to stay out of European affairs. A large part of the population was opposed to entering the war as well. Many Irish-Americans and German-Americans did not want to support England in a war against Germany. Also, many women were opposed to the war. Also, if America had let the war run its course, it may have been able to acquire territory from the defeated Allied powers. However, by deciding to help the Allies before entering the war, the US made it necessary to enter the war on the Allies' side to preserve its own economic self-interests and the safety of its citizens. The US could have stayed out of the war by banning trade with any powers involved in the war, forcing Britain to accept its neutral rights, and/or banning travel to Europe.


  1. Finally someone who addressed one of the points in the handout about US avoiding option of using its economic leverage to bring an end to the war instead of expanding it by joining!

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